Join TOL Ministries: Be a Digital Disciple in Christ’s Everlasting Mission!

“And he said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.'” – Mark 16:15

The digital frontier is vast, and the call of the Lord to share His word is more urgent than ever. TOL Ministries stands at the intersection of faith and technology, passionate about harnessing the connective power of the internet to bring Christ’s message of love, hope, and salvation to all.

Why TOL Ministries?
In a world that increasingly lives online, we recognize the golden opportunity to bring the timeless truths of the Bible to a global audience. The digital realm offers an unprecedented platform to reach hearts and souls that might never be in a physical church.

Who we are

We are a 100% volunteer-led and organized group! We began as listeners of a YouTuber known as Brother Chooch. We came together under his direction and created this ministry. It’s important to know that there are no fees, no tithes, no money exchange of any kind. We are not trying to make money. We are trying to spread the Gospel. We do this only to spread the message of the Good News. We believe the end times are rapidly approaching, and everyone needs to hear the call before it’s too late! We want to save others from eternal punishment and reap eternal rewards instead. Luke 10:2: “These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” We’re praying that the Lord will send more laborers to help and join us in fellowship!!

How it Works:

Members are placed into teams with a specific focus, such as Aeiths. Every team has a leader. Members communicate in the discord application. On Discord, we chat and have voice conversations and prayer meetings. This is a great tool for communication and fellowship. The members are given internet places to leave comments and engage in conversation with members of their assigned communities. We go to those spaces, such as Reddit, X (a.k.a. Twitter), Facebook, and spread the Gospel. The great part about this ministry is that you are not alone! There are other team members, leads, and administrators to help along the way. Also, we have compiled a large repository of resources to assist in evangelizing to these various communities.

The Call of the Hour:
The clock is ticking, and every moment counts. As believers, the mandate is clear. The Lord’s return draws nearer with every passing day, and there’s a world hungry for hope, love, and salvation. It’s our God-given mission to reach out. As stated in Romans 10:14, “How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”

Be Actively Engaged:
The age of passive Christianity is behind us. We are called to be soldiers of Christ, proactive in our mission, and fervent in our purpose. Ephesians 6:15 reminds us to have our “feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” In the dynamic digital age, what better way to be ready than to join an online ministry dedicated to spreading the Gospel far and wide?

Complete the Online Application!

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Answer the Call with TOL Ministries:
If the Holy Spirit stirs your heart, if you feel the pressing need to stand up and make a difference, TOL Ministries welcomes you with open arms. Be part of a global movement, be a beacon of light in the vast digital expanse, and ensure that the Gospel of Jesus Christ echoes in every corner of the internet.

Stand with TOL Ministries. Stand for Christ. The hour is late, but our resolve is strong. Join us, and together, let’s illuminate the online world with the glorious truth of the Gospel!